The Sishen Iron Ore Company-Community Development Trust (SIOC-CDT) was established in 2006 by Kumba Iron Ore Limited to invest in the development of the communities in which the company operates. The Trust focuses primarily on beneficiary communities adjacent to the Sishen Iron Ore Company’s (SIOC) mining activities in the Northern Cape and Limpopo and has invested significantly in community development projects aimed at ensuring sustainability beyond mining operations.
SIOC-CDT has substantiated its stated intention of “defining ourselves through actions not our words” by investing over R1-billion in socio-economic and community development projects in the beneficiary communities.
Our primary goal is to be the leading implementing agent for community based projects as well as the leading partner to organisations that wish to enhance their project management and governance systems by tapping into the existing skills and competence of the SIOC-CDT management team.
Through the years, the projects implemented in the Northern Cape and Limpopo provinces have had positive impact beyond the beneficiary communities. The projects have also contributed towards social stability, economic growth and job creation within the provincial and regional economies.

Beneficiary communities have sustainable income and are empowered to thrive beyond the lifespan of the mine

Our Values
We are committed to building healthy, trustworthy relationships
We are inclusive and transparent in decision making
We are accountable to our stakeholders
We are compassionate towards our beneficiaries
Speak Up!
If you have any suspicion or knowledge of fraud, unethical behaviour or theft within SIOC-CDT or any of its affiliates please call our anonymous hotline number.
About Us
SIOC-CDT's primary goal is to implement sustainable socio-economic initiatives through partnering with key stakeholders to ensure that beneficiary communities have sustainable income and are empowered to thrive beyond the lifespan of the mine.