25 October 2021 – Northern Cape. Friday, 22nd October marked the last day of the week-long SIOC-CDT school’s eyesight campaign in the JTG District for 2021.
Around 303 students from Galaletsang High School and Baitiredi Technical and Commercial High School in Mothibistad, Kuruman were offered a comprehensive eye screening, provision of spectacles to those in need as well as dental and hearing checks. These checks were scheduled into the last week before the start of matriculation exams. Additional schools have been identified and are currently being sched-uled for visits in 2022.
The Re A Fola Mobile Clinic undertook the campaign. This is one of the initiatives embedded in SIOC-CDT’s Health and Social Welfare programme that is aimed at addressing a growing need in the benefi-ciary communities for accessible, affordable healthcare facilities; particularly in the more remote areas of the Tsantsabane sub-district and John Taolo Gaetsewe district (JTG). Communities in these areas re-quire a reliable source of information on primary health care issues affecting their lives; including, but not limited to, visual/ eyesight problems, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and a host of preventable non-com-municable diseases.
Kgadi Magongwa, Health and Social Welfare Manager for SIOC-CDT says: “This campaign started in earnest on Tuesday, 12 October 2021 in collaboration with the Northern Cape Department of Education and Department of Health. Key to this campaign was to be part of observing 14 October as ‘World Sight Day’ (WSD) 2021.”
Re A Fola places special focus on the vulnerable – people with disabilities, the elderly and children – with the aim of reducing lifestyle diseases, decreasing the mortality rate, and increasing general health awareness.
“As SIOC-CDT we are very thankful for the multi-disciplinary team of professionals availed by the North-ern Cape Provincial Department of Health for this Re A Fola Mobile Clinic initiative,” says Magongwa. “The team comprises of a dentist, a medical officer, an audiologist, community healthcare workers and nursing personnel. This is a clear case study of what we can achieve with collaboration with business and government.”
For more information on SIOC-CDT Health and Social Welfare, Education and Entrepreneurial development programmes, visit the website: https://www.sioc-cdt.co.za and join the Facebook and Twitter communities.