Covid-19 projects
An internal Covid-19 Relief Team was established to respond to the three urgent needs (as a result of the pandemic) within the five beneficiary communities.
The three-phased approach helped:
(1) Feed underprivileged citizens whilst lessening the probability of them going to congested areas in search of sustenance.
(2) Assisted health worker, disaster management personnel and patients to stay safe during consultations.
(3) Equipped local municipalities for testing and isolation of Covid-19 patients.
Close to R9-million was dedicated to the first phase response, with close to R52 million dedicated to healthcare, education and community and practitioner welfare in the second phase.
This, however, cannot be compared to the impact derived from the actual interventions and the lives impacted by the programme itself. The plan is to continuously assess ways to respond to the epidemic as informed by various community needs and provide the necessary assistance required.
More than 5,000 indigent families received food parcels.
50 health facilities received more than 30,000 personal protective equipment (PPE) items.
Sheets (243), blankets (243), pillowcases (244) and pillows (80) and PPE to testing/isolation centres.
9,304 items healthcare items purchased and donated.
19,846 masks provided to learners.
14,219 spray sanitisers provided to schools
23 liquid sanitisers, liquid soaps, foot operated sprayers and digital thermometers provided to schools
11 10,000 litre JoJo tanks provided to schools

About Us
SIOC-CDT's primary goal is to implement sustainable socio-economic initiatives through partnering with key stakeholders to ensure that beneficiary communities have sustainable income and are empowered to thrive beyond the lifespan of the mine.